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Monday, August 31, 2009Y

Today was teachers day celebrating. Played captain ball with bballers. So fun! Mr Sim was hilarious! After school went to find ah fat but he in his primary school so i wait for him. After when he is done was like 1plus. By the time i reach my primary school will be like 2plus. So never go. Now in shop. ByeBye...

i ♥ah fat!!!

heart blue w/ glitter 12:31 AM

Sunday, August 30, 2009Y

Today went to Owen Seafood Restruant at Turf City for dinner so damn full!. Went there is cos grandpa today very happy want walk walk. Nothing else to say lerh. Tired lerh good night!


heart blue w/ glitter 6:56 AM

Friday, August 28, 2009Y

Ytd Zenia never come school, my class partner all change. After school take taxi rush back for tution cos im late and the tutor was waiting for me but then the tutor say she today very free so give me extra tution. So damn hungry but cannot come out cos teacher keep talking non stop. After tution, brother shout :" you this Cheese Burger! Cheese Burger!Cheese Burger!Cheese Burger!Cheese Burger!." Zzz i also never do anything to him keep scolding me. =.= nvm after tat he sleep for 10min then he goes crazy again. Anyhow run about, bang the wall, throw things. Lucky my grandma around or not i donno wat to do. She take one big pile of water then throw all the water at him then he wake up. At first we though nothing will happen so call him go back room sleep. But then at 2am he go crazy again. =.=

Ah fat don worry lerh la. Nothing happen to me la. =D

heart blue w/ glitter 7:02 PM

Thursday, August 27, 2009Y


Today is the day where we start our story. NEVER GONNA LET YOU GO! YOU ARE MY FOREVER!=DD Ah so happy! Today's mood super good! But then Zenia went Taiwan.D= will be waiting for your arrival.And somemore some bloody hell make my Joice so sad! HE BETTER WATCH OUT!


heart blue w/ glitter 4:57 AM

Tuesday, August 25, 2009Y

Some things are good but somethings turn bad.
Sometimes its good but sometimes its bad.
Some things we promise but we break it.
Sometimes i try to forget it but it cant get away from my mind.
Some things we consider but some things we didnt.
Some times i wish it wont happen but it happen.
Went to ah fat house. BECAUSE SOME FAT HAVEN EVEN WAKE UP AT ALL. Make me call call call! Still dare say i lucky because never put silent mode. Nvm. Waited Ah fat to watch his favourite show "jian ren jian" then leave. LOL that show was very funny.

heart blue w/ glitter 5:02 AM

Monday, August 24, 2009Y

Two word for today. Tired and boring.

heart blue w/ glitter 1:47 AM

Wednesday, August 19, 2009Y

Why must i always be the one to say sorry when sometimes it wasn't my fault?
Where are you when i need you ?
Why must you keep saying things that hurt me?
Why are you angry when i'm suppose to be the one who is angry?
When are you going to do things that i really want you to do?
Why are you showing me attitude?
I seriously don't understand why.
I know i did say something that hurt you. Must you keep saying me?
I know i hurt your heart by saying that. But must you keep saying not?
I tried my best to keep every single thing that you say me in my heart but you? Keep trying your best to say me again and again.
Times and times i have been giving you fake smile and try to forget. But you keep showing me that stupid face of yours.
Today,you just walk away from me. I walk form the stairs. I fall. After that i saw you walking towards prime, wanted to walk faster to catch up with you but my leg really hurt, less then 2min , i can't see you already. I try to walk bigger steps but when i was at the bread shop what you msg me and say? You just say " I'm going to eat, you don't want eat then bye." How i know where are you? You walk so fast away from my sight then you expect me to know where are you. When you told me where are you already i went there to find you but you were happily eating already. I really very sad. Sad till i donno what to do but to cry. I know you don't like me to cry infront of you. But i really cannot take it. Really cannot. I don't want to say anymore.

No matter what, i will still be angry/ sad. But i will still love you like how i always do.

heart blue w/ glitter 3:12 AM

Tuesday, August 18, 2009Y

Today Ah fat came back to school JUST for class test then go Tanglin. =S After that Ah fat say he go that place less then 5min then come out liaos cos they say need wait till next time then go again. Hais worry leh... NVM. Hope nothing will happen

Ah fat I♥U!

heart blue w/ glitter 4:54 AM

Sunday, August 16, 2009Y

Today went to see doctor for my leg . Injured so damn not long liaos. Zzz. the doctor say i cannot go for training for 2 month! At first was like very happy but then awhile later think quite shitty la cos cannot meet Ah fat! Sian. Zzz. Nothing much to say liaos. Zzz


heart blue w/ glitter 3:59 AM

Friday, August 14, 2009Y

Didn't realise never post for very long liaos.

Today, stay at home so bored. But the new maid really very hilarious! My mother went to buy something then she call the maid to put the food into the fridge then the maid say no thank you. My sister finish her tution so call the maid to fetch then she say thank you very much. LOL! so damn funny!

Ytd after the common test almost faint! My Math & science CMI! don even know what i writing. D= then after that Miss Lois Chan told us our POA result. Lucky i pass. =D After tat Ah fat and me went to school the pasa malam walk. wWhen we walk until the very very end of it saw one stall sell alot tibit! then we go there walk saw one chocolate. At NTUC or 7-eleven sell $5 plus but then the stall sell the price is like OMG! It cost 90cent only! we brought 2 only cos we thought its like expired or is like fake brand. Then i went back home i open up the cover then my grandpa say he want try see weather its really chocolate not.Haha. He give me a small kid look!

Thursday went to j8 to watch "Where got ghost" with Ah fat when we were like going in, saw Zenia and her "boyfriend"(brina) queue up to buy ticket. They also watching same show as us so plan to ask them to sit with us but then the sits near us nomore lerh so they have to sit like very infront. The show so funny ! After that go back. D= see Ah Fat watch tat show laugh until so happy. cannot even see his eye. =D

heart blue w/ glitter 11:47 PM

Didn't realise never post for very long liaos.

Today, stay at home so bored. But the new maid really very hilarious! My mother went to buy something then she call the maid to put the food into the fridge then the maid say no thank you. My sister finish her tution so call the maid to fetch then she say thank you very much. LOL! so damn funny!

Ytd after the common test almost faint! My Math & science CMI! don even know what i writing. D= then after that Miss Lois Chan told us our POA result. Lucky i pass. =D After tat Ah fat and me went to school the pasa malam walk. wWhen we walk until the very very end of it saw one stall sell alot tibit! then we go there walk saw one chocolate. At NTUC or 7-eleven sell $5 plus but then the stall sell the price is like OMG! It cost 90cent only! we brought 2 only cos we thought its like expired or is like fake brand. Then i went back home i open up the cover then my grandpa say he want try see weather its really chocolate not.Haha. He give me a small kid look!

Thursday went to j8 to watch "Where got ghost" with Ah fat when we were like going in, saw Zenia and her "boyfriend"(brina) queue up to buy ticket. They also watching same show as us so plan to ask them to sit with us but then the sits near us nomore lerh so they have to sit like very infront. The show so funny ! After that go back. D= see Ah Fat watch tat show laugh until so happy. cannot even see his eye. =D

heart blue w/ glitter 11:47 PM

Wednesday, August 12, 2009Y

Today got common test. 2 paper. English then SS. English was okay cos its just letter writing. But then SS! CMI! So damn hard! Gonna fail liaos! D= After the paper was about 12.40pm i think? Went to Ah fat class. Reach there he say he want to find Mr Sim about the suspension thingy. Wth la you go out so long! Didn,t expect you will finish talking to Sim for like1Hr plus la! Nvm but then he tio suspend till Sept holiday! D= SAD AH! So many days without you in school liaos but then now still need so long more then you can come back!. D= D= D=

Nvm anw you now sleeping like pig liddat don think you will even know wat i say. =X

Fat ah! If tat day the fight didn't happen you won't have been getting suspend lerh...
Now say wat also too late nothing can change the past...


heart blue w/ glitter 12:08 AM

Sunday, August 9, 2009Y

Ytd sleep at 3 plus. Have a nightmare. Sad . Today play Wild Wild Wet for the whole morning. Boring. One whole day cannot even get to talk properly to Ah fat. I really donno what happen. this few days i can't communicate well with him. Whatever i say now to him is i attitude. He say is all right. I give up. now you happy?

heart blue w/ glitter 9:48 AM

Friday, August 7, 2009Y

Today early in the morning wake up msg Ah Fat then he show me attitude. Keep saying those thing that really hurt me.=.= nvm forget it. but now i'm like having chalet. Kind of bored over here. THinking of you... Hoping you would come tomoro...
Yesterday i went to prime to find Ah fat. When Ah fat was send me to school the gate that time, my father came and he was also at the gate there! So afraid he will scold me. D= But then yesterday was celebrating of National day so we went to Singapore Science Centre. Damn fun! Keep taking photos with Zenia & Brina. But then Ah fat not here . D= nvm. Ah fat coming back at Wed. I will wait for you. [= When i went home, i don dare talk to my father. But he keep talking to me. Never even metion anything about today morning.
Ah fat, i will wait for you. I ♥ YOU!

heart blue w/ glitter 7:38 PM

Thursday, August 6, 2009Y

Today is the 2nd day you didn't come school. Still can't get use to it. Wondering when are you coming back. you have been in there for very long lerh. Very worry leh. Pls msg me once you come out.

Love you.

heart blue w/ glitter 3:57 AM

Wednesday, August 5, 2009Y

Today i came to school early to wait for ah fat. When Nigel came, he say ah fat kanna suspend. I ask him how long will he get suspend,Nigel say maybe till end of this year. I have enough for ytd lerh but why. Why must he get suspend when he was the one who get beaten by those ppl? I really straight away cry. Cannot take it at all. First period was Geo. I have to go to their class for lesson. But then, ah fat came in. I was like trying my best to stop crying lerh but then when he walk in, i cry even harder. I just donno why can't control those tears.

When Ah fat reach home, he msg me say don't need worry, he get suspend for 1week only cos the mother came to school to talk to principal. During recess keep thinking of Ah fat. Cannot get use to it when ah fat is not around. D= After that i think it's like not so serious so try to relax. After school, faster run out of school to see him. His lips was like really very serious like that. Feel so heart pain.

Ah fat, you made a new promise to me already, i'm afraid you will break it leh. How are you going to prove to me tat you will keep tat promise? Pls, this thing already make me very sad. I don want anything to happen to you anymore.

I love you!

heart blue w/ glitter 4:53 AM

Tuesday, August 4, 2009Y

Today actually got alot thing want post but i just don feel like saying it out. Once i think of it i really can't take it keep wanting to cry. And Daniel, i promise you i will take good care of Zenia & Jeremy. But i also don't want anything to happen to you. You are one of Jeremy best buddy, just imagine how will he feel if something happen to you? And what about Zenia?

Anw, Dione today is your birthday. I wish you a very happy 15th birthday.

heart blue w/ glitter 4:40 AM

Saturday, August 1, 2009Y

Today, very happy! Even though today make ah fat angry.=X sry, i promise won make you wait so long lerh. Today sister and mother want go NDP so mother call me to ga bring sister to Raffles and then eat MAC then go back. But when i reach Raffles, then i remember tat serene(mother's friend) will be at the shop every Sat. i really very dulan with her. HATE HER SO MUCH! She keep talking nvm. But she like begger liddat! Everytime come shop eat thing call my mother pay. My mother ask her to buy food for her to eat ahe only buy one 1dollar bao. Idiot! So when we eat MAC, my mother buy food for her. =.= When we sitting on the table and tat Serene went to toilet, i go tell my mother i don want to take MRT with her.( She keep saying she want to take MRT back with me) I told my mother say if she come with me, i will wait for the door about to close tat time and i will run away. But i make ah fat wait for me for 2hr. i'm really very sorry. When we take mrt tat time i purposely choose the door with alot ppl cos i know i won't get to have any place to sit. When she enter, i walk to the next door with ah fat. But when we reach Bugis, i call ah fat to come out so we won take the same MRT with her. We took the next train then went to Simei. I go for my lesson for 30min and make ah fat wait again. =X.After lesson, went to eat LJS. Ah fat took 45min to eat! =D after tat we went to play swing! We challange see who can swing higher but then i lose then ah fat keep laughing at me . It's not funny at all la! D= He fetch me back home and this was the 1st time he go so near my house. =D

Ah fat i really very happy today. Sorry for making you angry but there won't be a 2nd time anymore. I swear!


heart blue w/ glitter 6:55 AM