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Thursday, July 30, 2009Y

Today wake up at 5AM to make my ''Ai xin zao can'' for ah fat. But then, there is some ingredient i put which ah fat don like to eat! =.= Reach school at about 6.55AM. When the 1st lesson starts, i already sleeping. Wake up so damn early is actually half and hour early only. =X
After school, keep disturbing ah fat haha. I keep calling him darling and baby make him want laugh liddat. Then when we were at bus-stop, i told ah fat a joke but then he keep changing the joke make it until like not funny at all. Next time don tell you joke anymore. =P After that when i reach shop, my mama keep saying about yesterday de thing ( she was about to fight with a security guard)=X. Ah fat ah, she is still waiting for your to see her ah! when are you coming?. =D


heart blue w/ glitter 4:31 AM

Wednesday, July 29, 2009Y

Nothing really happen today but just quarrel with my ah fat. Sorry ah fat. I♥U!

heart blue w/ glitter 4:12 AM

Tuesday, July 28, 2009Y

Today recess keep disturb ah fat.=D so fun! make him until he cannot take it . =D. Then after recess, got english,chemistry&physic. So damn boring la! Mdm Kuar was like nagging at the boys . I feel like sleeping at her lesson but the class too noisy make me cannot sleep.Then chemistry lesson. Normally during chemistry,if we never go lab, we will stay in class and off all the lights. Make me feel more like sleeping. =.= but the class still very noisy. But during physic lesson actually can sleep lerh but then, after school i got retest so no choice cannot sleep. =.=

After school,went for training. When training was like 1more hr to end liddat, we have to do something else then Mr yap call those who did come for training last week to teach those who never come. Joanne came for last week so she teach Dione and me cos we didn't come for last week training. Her teaching was so damn blur then i go ask Dione weather she understand wat she talking not then she say yes. Tat Joanne come to us and say very loud say we study different stream how could i understand. Joanne:'' ah ya, you from normal stream de wat of course stupid la. Not like us we from express de sure listen once then understand lerh wat. HAHAHA!''
I listen lerh super angry feel like shouting back but i keep it in my heart ready to shout at her once she say one more time
If she say me one more time during any other training i won't give her face anymore and i swear!

heart blue w/ glitter 4:50 AM

Monday, July 27, 2009Y

Ytd plan to post but when about to post that time, stupid com suddenly hang. Then in the end cannot post but plan to write something about my family. My cousins came back from taiwan and so we plan to eat together. We ate steamboat 7-21year old 1 table ,41-81 another table. I saw my grandpa eat alot and laugh alot. Very long never see this thing happen lerh. I think is because he want ppl to come back home to eat with him. See him happy the whole family also happy. =D then my mother come to our table talk to us. Come to us the first thing is say about ah fat! Make me feel so ps. Tat day ah fat bring me back to raffles but we didn't expect we will like saw my mother.But my mother got say she want to treat ah fat eat but ah fat don want cos he scared and he say he botak look not nice call me to wait for 6more month then he will go visit.

Now, talk about today. today is 27 lerh ah fat, happy 10th month. You will always be ♥ by me! No matter what happen to us or how hard we quarrel, i will still be by your side. If you dare leave me,you will die like hell make you go meet hades! Actually wanted to go P.S walk de but then go somewhere else... hehehe. But then around 3-4 liddat my parents take turn call me. =.= so dam angry la! My father come outside school wait for me cos i lie to him say i at school. D=
*Sorry fat,this month we never really celebrate but i promise you, the next month i will celebrate it with you until you happy.I love you !

heart blue w/ glitter 5:29 AM

Saturday, July 25, 2009Y

Today,saturday wanted to go out but as usual, cannot go out. =.= stay at home whole morning, planning wat to give ah fat cos 10th month coming lerh. But then think so so so long still donno wat to give ah fat. Ah fat will you blame me if i never give you thing ma? =X How i wish you were right beside me now . I miss you.

heart blue w/ glitter 1:54 AM

Thursday, July 23, 2009Y

Today reccess actually wanted to call ah fat to eat recess with my friends but then in the end sit one table away from them. =.= nowadays ah fat and his friends relationship like not very good liddat . Ah fat keep saying he don want to go recess with them at all but i can tell actually he want to go eat with them de. then after school nothing to do , take mrt go back home because got tution. BORING AH!

heart blue w/ glitter 10:25 PM